Hosted by Ultrax
Date: Tue, October 17th, 2023
Time: 14:00-16:00 CET
Location: Online
Summary: In this webinar, we will present the main problems of periodization in football by putting our focus on training principles and methodology. Besides that, we will walk you through topics such as physical training session design and delivery, integrated vs. isolated approach to fitness training and how to construct a weekly microcycle.
Price: 25€
To finalise your registration, kindly make a deposit of the specified amount to the following bank account:
IBAN: HR69 2340 0091 1110 7491 4 When making the payment, please include the NAME OF THE EVENT along with your NAME AND SURNAME in the description. This will help us ensure a seamless registration process for you.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we’re excited to have you join us for the event!