Self-testing for Accurate Data Input: Focus on the Spine

In the first part of our series on self-testing for accurate data input, we will explore the importance of testing and monitoring the spine health in athletes. As the spine plays a crucial role in sports activities, it is important to educate, raise awareness and understand how to properly test and track its health. The […]

The Foundations of Fitness: Why Walking Works

Walking Works

Walking is not only one of the most accessible forms of physical activity, but it is also extremely easy to integrate into everyday life. Without the need for specialized equipment or expensive gym memberships, walking is an activity that anyone can start immediately. Whether you’re a young man in your twenties or a person in […]

External Load Manual: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction The football of 2030 would not be the same as the football of 2020. In recent years, the game has changed. The number and intensity of football actions have evolved. Modern teams tend to execute more counterattacks and experience greater exposure to intense, short accelerations and decelerations, interspersed with high-intensity movements. However, alongside these […]

A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Muscle Contusions in Sports

Muscle Contusions Blog Thumbnail

Muscle contusions are prevalent injuries in sports, often resulting in significant morbidity (morbidity is the state of being symptomatic or unhealthy due to a disease or condition) among athletes. Understanding the presentation, physical examination, diagnostic testing, treatment, and potential complications of these injuries is crucial for effective management and optimal outcomes. Muscle contusions are also […]

Impact of the Menstrual Cycle on Female Athletes

It might seem hard to believe, but right now, approximately 300 million women across the planet are experiencing the same thing: a period. The monthly menstrual cycle is a reality that most women on Earth will go through in their lives. Periods typically last anywhere between two and seven days and occur once within a […]

Rehabilitation pillars – General guidelines of the rehabilitation process

We do what we can A few years ago, I attended a Strength and conditioning conference where during a lecture, one S&C coach said: „There is no such thing as injury prevention – only injury reduction “- and that cannot be truer. We can only do so much to help athletes, and we can’t prevent […]

Testing and talking instead of predicting – injury prevention in soccer

Routine, something that most people wake up with and go to bed with, especially athletes. This will be a walk-through of monitoring and data collecting you need to carry out in order to keep your team, athletes and staff coordinated. I am a sports physio, and this will be my share of the knowledge of […]

Exercise – the missing piece of healthcare

„We now live with illness and disabilities from which we used to die”. Sir Cyrile Chantler (2002) In the last couple of years I always asked myself why is that?! Today we live in very odd times where technological improvement has led to an endless supply of information and that should lead to an improvement […]